Specialised Services - Furniture Removals Cape Town

In line with our quest for customer service and delivery excellence, we facilitate and monitor specialised services on your behalf. We are one of the premier companies dealing with furniture removals Cape Town.


Vehicle moving services Cape Town specialised furniture removals

Vehicles, as long as they are mobile, carrier dependent can be transported either on a depot to depot or a door to door basis. There is a transit time of between 5 – 7 working days. Transit insurance cover can be arranged through the carrier should insurance cover be required. The carrier will complete a detailed vehicle inspection report on collection to protect both the carrier and the customer.

Tip: Do not leave any personal items inside the vehicle.


Pet moving services Cape Town specialised pet transport

Your furry family members can also be well taken care of during the door to door transit by pet specialists contracted by Iron Horse Relocations.

Area dependent, your pets will be transported either by road or air.

Pets relocating internationally will either be on a door to door OR a door to destination airport basis. This is country dependent.


This service includes the removal of flat-screen televisions, brackets, surround sound systems and security camera units by a professional. This service is only offered in the Western Cape.


Piano movers Cape Town Moving Company Cape Town

Iron Horse Relocations utilises the services of a professional company in Cape Town to arrange the safe removal and delivery on behalf of Iron Horse Relocations to and from major city centres in South Africa. We are one of the premier Piano movers Cape Town.

Tip: It is vital that photos are provided of the safe; the category; access at both origin and destination. The same information would be required for the moving of pianos.


Our company offers customised solutions for packing, crating, and transporting paintings of any size, shape, and value. We have the experience, equipment, and materials to ensure that your paintings are protected from damage, dust, moisture, and temperature fluctuations during the move. We also have the insurance and liability coverage to guarantee your peace of mind in case of any unforeseen accidents or mishaps.

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Professional and experienced, national and international, home relocation specialists.

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